LoVe QuOtEs


Boys only want love if it's torture 

Every day I spend with you become the best in my life

Without you I'm nothing with you im anything together we are everything

There is a Girl & she has got my Heart

Only you can know why I'm sad

Don't judge me you don't know what I'm 

I don't have attitude problem i had my own personality which you cant handle

Don't count the no of  frnds you have

If you never had frnds you never lived life

I wud love to tell you how I feel I'm just afraid that you dont feel the same way

sometimes the bad times in our life put us in a direct path to the very best times in your LIFE

A promise means everything
but once it is broken sorry means nothing

I,m sorry I'm changed but you changed too

Fake frnd  believe in rumors real frnds believe in you

I am not a special Person ,But I am just limited edition.

Stop checking my Status, Go and love your GF

My style is unique don't copy it!

I don't hate Peoples ,I just love Peoples who loves me.

I am Cool but Summer Days make me hot.. 

 Attitude is a Small thing that makes a big difference...

Excellence is not a skill. It is an only attitude...

Attitude and personality are two different things.
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; !!!you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.

Problem is not the Problem.,Problem is your bad attitude...

Anyone who never make mistake they can never try to solve problem!..
