Showing posts with label Avoiding or removing blue ticks in Whatsapp. whats app blue ticks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avoiding or removing blue ticks in Whatsapp. whats app blue ticks. Show all posts

Avoiding or removing blue ticks in Whatsapp.

First of all what are those damn blue ticks???
Well in recent update by facebook they introduced this feature.It means a person (receptor) has seen your message.
Now some you don’t want that other person to know you read their message and still don’t reply.Before this feature you could have just lied stating you have not seen the message.But now you simply can’t.
For such people you can follow this simple trick to disable blue ticks.
1)Switch off your data connection (or WiFi)
2)Read all of your messages.
3)Close Whatsapp application
4)Switch on you data connections(if you want.)
Congratulations! you have successfully read messages without letting them know.You can also use this tiny trick if you don’t want to update your last seen to current time.
 (Update:-They have already included blue tick on/off button.)