WeLl,ThE HaRdEsT ThInGs To FiNd Is TrUe LoVe AnD LoYaL FrIeNdS
No WoRdS tO sAy WhAt'S gOiNg On My HeArT
DoN't Jud\DgE mY aTtItUdE uNtiL yOu'Ve fElT mY pAiN!
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WhEn A dOoR cLoSeS aNoTheR dOoR sHouLd oPen, bUt iF it doEsN't thEn go In thRouGh tHe wIndOw.
I lost My Everything I lost Myself
Waiting for someone and something all life
A Star have 5 ends, A Square have 4 ,A Triangle have 3 ,A Line line have 2 but our friendship has no end I believed above and become a fool hope u guys don't
touching line said by best friend:when i die,don't come near my body
because my hand would not move to wipe ur tears anymore
I Hate Studies.., But I Love Technology...
Life is too short. Don’t waste it removing pen drive safely
Trust By Verify
The leader innovates, the rest follow
Having a great friend in the life will be awesome to share the achievements that are pretty
Everybody Don’t Have To Like you.. & Youdon’t Have To Care......
THe onEs wHo saY "U can't" & "U won't" aRe PRobablY tHE onEs ScaRed tHat " U WILL"